MBA Online Program
Our Internet MBA (formerly called iMBA) to the degree through the Internet using online distance learning technologies.This program is ideal for people who want to combine the flexibility of distance education as an AACSB accredited international level.
Unlike some programs that are completely online, our program includes a two-day orientation programme at the beginning so you can build relationships with other students and teachers and will be convenient technology for the delivery of course content.
Earn your MBA Entirely Online from the Nation’s Largest Multimedia MBA Program - Free MBA Online Program or Not?
Increased revenue. Career mobility. Uggla office. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can get your Regis MBA from the University no more than 16 months and have the power and know-how to take their professional lives to a new level-without putting the rest of your life on hold!Internet Regis University MBA program designed to help build strong professional career in today's highly complex and rapidly changing business environment. At the top tier university with one of the largest online MBA programs in the country, Regis University provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to lead and serve creatively, ethically and effectively in an organization or industry.
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